On 29 September, took place the public demonstration of the results of the “FLASHPOR – FLASH as an alternative porcelain sintering technology” project, which has come to an end.
Funded by Compete 2020’s programme, this project – FLASHPOR – with a consortium comprising companies Cerinnov, Porcelanas Costa Verde and the University of Aveiro, aims to develop the know-how into replace porcelain’s first firing cycle, known as the “biscuit” / “biscuiting” cycle, with a more sustainable sintering cycle, using an alternative heating source, the electric field, through the use of the FLASH technique. The aim is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in the production process of porcelain products – which currently uses 15 to 16 per cent of total energy consumption during the biscuit process itself – as well as on the increase the production rate, through significantly reducing the duration of the biscuiting process. The use of this technology will, thus, enable a reduction in energy consumption in the production process of porcelain pieces, while contributing to a significant reduction in production costs, increased environmental sustainability and consequently an increase in the competitiveness of companies in the sector.
This session took place in the auditorium of Costa Verde, the Project’s leading company.
Know more here!