Costa Verde has established a cooperation protocol with Acreditar – Associação de Pais e de Amigos de Crianças com Cancro (Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Cancer), the highlight of which was the reopening of Casa de Lisboa, which went from 12 rooms to 32 rooms, an increase of 20 accommodation units that will allow up to 32 families to be accommodated free of charge at the same time, whose children are being treated at the IPO in Lisbon and, in the case of young adults, at all the hospitals in greater Lisbon, in an investment of over 3.5 million euros. Costa Verde is partnering with Acreditar with the loan of all the porcelain items that will equip its kitchens, and a second collaboration is already being prepared, this time with the Porto house. 

Acreditar – Associação de Pais e de Amigos de Crianças com Cancro (Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Cancer) has existed since 1994, with the aim of minimising the impact of cancer on children, young people and their families. Present in four regional centres: Lisbon, Coimbra, Porto and Funchal, it provides support at all stages of the disease and provides emotional, logistical, social and legal support, among others. In every need, it gives voice to the defence of the rights of children and young people with cancer, survivors and their families. Acreditar has more than 400 volunteers nationwide who offer their time and expertise.”

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